Sunday, May 5, 2013

weekend sufferfest

this weekend, as you may remember, i had two big workouts on my list.

#1: 14mi run immediately s/p an 8hr nursing shift. this nursing shift was straight from the 7th circle of hell, aka i didn't sit down once. needless to say, i didn't feel too fresh and peppy when i got started. and i have a cold, so i was snotty enough that my t-shirt could stand up on it's own by the end (i haven't mastered the whole snot-rocket thing.)  but it was a beautiful day in Concord, and that helped lessen the pain a bit. 2:24, on busted legs. could have been worse.

#2: BIG BRICK 70mi ride/4mi run. time to put the big girl panties on! it was 40 degrees when i left. did a route i'd never done before. [hint: this is foreshadowing]

turns out 7 mi of said route was 'under construction,' which in this case means there WAS NO ROAD. just dirt and rocks for 7 miles. took me forever and a year to snake my pretty princess tri bike through that mess. this route also had 1500+ ft of climbing. i did that part on purpose, and it wasn't too bad really (especially compared to TX hills) even on tired-from-the-day-before legs.

then i got lost. twice. then my GDDAMNED POS left rear aero cage broke! stupid rough "road" unscrewed the screws and buh-bye cage! then i got lost again.

i had planned for the ride to take me about 4:45. it took me SIX AND A HALF HOURS. between getting lost a bagillion times, stopping to check GPS because apparently there's no law requiring western Mass towns to LABEL THEIR EFFING STREETS like the rest of civilization, and trying to fix the water bottle cages, i added two more hours (and 5 more miles!) to my already loooongass brick. yay.

this mean that by the time i got off the bike, it felt like my vagina had been punched repeatedly with barbed-wire brass knuckles.

and this also meant the poor CTO and bebe had to wait around for me at the park for two hours! i was such a grumpy goddamn mess when i finally met them, i'm surprised they stuck around to run with me. all grumps aside, it felt surprisingly good to be off the bike and running, even with heavy legs that could only carry me 1:30 min/mi slower than my usual pace. i'm just glad i did it and didn't give up.

also, did i mention i have a cold, or allergies, or sinus AIDS? i had yellow goo running down my face/neck for all 6.5 hrs. in 40 degree weather. so i basically looked like this:

tell me, olde internete friends, are these long bricks supposed to suck? do they get better? or do you just get used to the ouch-factor? i was doubting my ability to do the IM for a little while today, not going to lie! (i pulled myself together, though. after surviving today, i figure IMLou will be manageable.)


  1. My mantra during workouts like that -- are i'm doing this to make August 25th easier....and repeat

    Typically a how the farm am I coing to do this distance + blah blah but it also allows me on race day to remember days like you had and remind myself as I start blowing up the pity party balloons that I didn't suffer through BS days like X day, get up at X hour or miss X hours with baby to stop and then I get going.


    ***(dates and motivation tailored to you - I have no baby or races planned)

  2. First of all, you cracked me up with the "vagina had been punched repeatedly with barbed-wire brass knuckles." HAHAHA! Secondly, GREAT WORK on pushing through everything. That's a HUGE day of training, and even though it sucked, you stuck with it and nailed it! Good for you! You already sound like you're mentally ready. Bring it on, Louisville!

  3. My hoo hoo was numb until the Wednesday after my Ironman. Things do get better. It is the horrible days of training that make the prize at the end so worth it! You are so mentally tough!

  4. thanks guys! i needed all of your encouragement! i feel much better about all of it now, and it's good to know i'm not alone in my mental mind-games. @NBS i'm going to use that as my mantra!

  5. I'm sorry, but this made me laugh pretty dang hard. Pretty princess tri bike?! HA! Ok but hopefully by this time you are well over that shit show of a day and on to greener pastures....eyes on the prize is right! BOOM!

  6. Seriously J RO! BW-36 IS a pretty princess compared to that ole' beater ironhorse road bike of mine! do you remember that big ole silver hunk of junk??
