Tuesday, May 28, 2013

this little piggy


yup. broke my left pinky toe at the joint. (aka a fracture of the articular surface of the left 5th phalanx)

let me break it down for you: i am a klutz. i walked past a cedar chest i've walked past 1,000,000 times before. this time, i accidentally kicked the leg. my pinky toe went left, the rest of me went right. cue lots of hopping up and down and swearing. cue immediate bruising, pain and swelling.

i tried to walk around on it for 10 minutes, but gave up and sat down on the couch to have a pity party. i knew it was broken. i've felt that particular brand of throbbing pain before (read note above: i am a klutz.) i was terrified and immediately ran through every worst-case scenario involving IRONMAN Louisville. my mom, the CTO, and some good (the best, actually) friends helped me keep my head on straight. made an appointment for the next day.

the next day, 3 xrays later, the doc gave me the OK to swim and bike as long as the toe is buddy taped. also got a super chic post-op boot to wear. PIN THAT, fashionistas!

doc was concerned about running with the break being at the joint, so i've got an appointment at a podiatrist/sports med office tomorrow to see 1) if i need pins to hold it together and 2) when i can get back to running.

coach is aware, and sent a fabulously calm, reassuring email. i'm glad i went with my gut on the coaching decision. coach Jason has been amazing, giving me exactly what i need, when i need it. the CTO and my momma (she's in town visiting/helping/cleaning) have been amazing too.

all in all it's not too terribly painful if i wear the silly boot--nothing a few advil can't handle. the doc offered me narcotics, to which i'd already started shaking my head "no" before he finished his sentence. he straight up laughed at me, and said, "oh i knew you'd say no. i just have to offer with the broken bone and all. us ironman types are all the same." (he is an ironman, and a former professional cyclist. so he really understood my concerns about getting back to training.)

i'm hopeful for good news from the foot/sports doc place, so i can get back to my running ASAP. running is my default favorite sport, so it's hard to imagine just giving it up cold turkey. i am legitimately SAD that i won't be doing my 16 miler this weekend. but i don't want to try and run on it too early and sign myself up for delayed healing, malunion, or other gnarly complications.

i'm going to be a good patient. i'm going to be a good patient. i'm going to be a good patient...which reminds me: it's time to ice again!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!!! I'm so sorry! I hope it doesn't slow you down too much. A little recovery from all that training might be good, but hopefully you can get back into soon!
