Saturday, May 18, 2013

according to the widget thingie---->

there are only 99 days left to IMLou. um.


some weeks i'm so deep into training and focusing on the tasks at hand that i sort of forget what i'm training for. this last week, however, i have full-on IM Crazy Eyes. looking up IM inspiration videos on youtube. re-checking and memorizing course maps and elevation changes. stalking race reports and other training blogs. customizing race gear checklists and a race week itinerary.  i think most of this enthusiasm/obsession comes from the fact that no less than 5 of my friends & old training buddies from home are racing IMTX today.

[Yay!! Go Colin, Chris, Brooks, John, and Kim!!]

when IMTX first opened up in 2011, i assumed it would (eventually) be my first IM. i am from Texas, after all. and we have friends and family in Houston. but life dealt me another hand, and Ironman Louisville 2013 is in it.

i'm okay with that. but this whole 'less than 100 days left until race day' has me fixin' to have a heart attack. i'm finding myself freaking out about everything...will my nutrition plan work in the heat of the south? will this weird twitchy quad pain/strain (not sayin the 'i' word just yet thankyouverymuch) derail my race? will all my bricks be disasters? is this weird bump on my butt cancer? seriously, though, what is this weird bump on my butt? i'm sure Google search has nothing to do with the freak outs. 

training makes me feel bipolar. some days are the worst days ever (see previous first world problems post) and some days end up with me on cloud 9 after an amazing workout.  i go from daydreaming about a 13hr finish to having nightmares about not being fast enough and missing a cut-off.  most days my nutrition is spot on--i'm eating the best i ever have. other days, i eat an ENTIRE BAG of Baked Lays (and then google 'why did i just eat a whole bag of baked lays'.) i also may or may not have eaten a pint of ice cream for dinner the other night. this is pure speculation, though, as there is no evidence [left].

my wise IM veteran friends have told me from the beginning that training is the hardest part. that there are many ups and downs. many moments where you doubt yourself. many where you feel on top of your game. i just didn't think they could all happen within a 15 min time span!

maybe i just need a mood stabilizer.

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