Friday, April 12, 2013

last few weeks in workouts

with all of the flying and family events to attend, the last two weeks have been a bit hectic. here's what things have looked like:

Mar 25-Apr 3: rest week. seems like i had every other day off, with no two-a-days. felt fantastic.

Apr 1-7:
M: off (orientation at new job!!)
T: spin intervals + strength training (+ nursing orientation)
W: anaerobic swim (4x350 hard main set) (+ nursing orientation)
Th: anaerobic bike + hill repeats (+ nursing orientation)
F: missed the swim bc the BSC pool was closed, and we were too short on time for me to find another pool (+fly to Dallas)
Sa: 10mile run (+ Grandma's funeral)
Su: BRICK (3hr spin + 4mi run)  (+drive from Dallas to Austin)

This week:
M: anaerobic swim, same as above
T: unintentional rest day (stupid Gold's Gym in TX wouldn't let me do a spin workout without a TX license! grrrrrr)
W: fly to Boston + strength training
Th: anaerobic bike + hill repeats
F: aerobic swim, same as above
Sa: BRICK (3hr spin + 4mi run)
Su: 11mi run

I don't have any work commitments this week, so that is good. But I'm still going to end up missing a workout. That's two workouts missed in two weeks. I know it's not a huge deal to my overall fitness--I haven't felt this strong, well, ever--but it makes me nervous.

And shit is about to get crazier. We have friends coming in town for the marathon. And this is the weekend our landlord puts the house on the market (which means showings...and keeping the house perfectly clean...with guests...who have a 5 year old...) AND I start work again on Monday, and am training at the hospital 4 days out of the week.

How am I going to train and hit all my workouts once I start work? Can I do this??

Doubt is so evil... it just creeps in little by little. Maybe it's easier to doubt myself after having a couple of really crappy/emotional family weeks? Who knows. Here's hoping next week brings a better outlook and attitude on my part! Maybe watching the marathoners will inspire me.

1 comment:

  1. These weeks of workouts are very good to get ultimate health. I am doing my workouts according to this schedule to make my body powerful and fast.
