Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Nap time triathlete

So, last week ended with a sinus infection--my neti pot and I just couldn't ward it off. I blame texas allergens...and the immunosuppressive drug I'm on. I was told not to swim for two days after my fever went down (i can't remember the last time I had a fever!) so I had to do some switches with the workouts. Our flights back got delayed by two days on account of "the blizzard of 2013," which was fine by me, even though i was pretty pooped by the time we got back late Tuesday. in the end, last week shook out like this:

Mon: rest day
Tues: bike (wu, single leg drills, intervals, cd) 55min
Wed: swim (anaerobic fitness 12x100 sprint main set) + strength training
Thurs: 50 min run
Fri: bike (wu, single leg drills, various rpms keeping MI, cd) *PS aero is not fun with a pounding sinus headache, FYI.
Sat: hill repeats + strength training
Sun: swim (aerobic fitness 8x225 main set)

Weekly totals: swim 4750m, bike 2:05hrs, run 1:40hrs.

This week, I'm calling myself the nap time triathlete, because I have to get a large portion of my workouts done during the dudebaby's naps.

Monday was a rest day, and man did I rest! I woke up tired, napped while the kid napped, and was still tired enough to accidentally fall asleep checking email at 7PM. Methinks i needed the sleep. sheesh.

Today I got a great spin workout in (on my fantastic new trainer...love that thing) and caught up on two episodes of Walking Dead (yes, I am still freaking myself out in the basement) all while the kiddo dozed. Success! The rest of the week should go something like this:

Wed: anaerobic swim (12x100 sprint... This one is such a bitch! I get foot cramps at the end of the last 100 every time...) + strength training
Thurs: 50min run
Fri: aerobic fitness swim (8x225 main set)
Sat: 1:15 spin with single leg drills and varying rpms
Sun: hill repeats (Bunker Hill and I are best frenemies by now)

My shoulders were initially quite sore after each swim workout, but thanks to coach advice I've added extra yardage of breast and backstroke, and the soreness has gone away. The right hip was a bit sore after a few of my runs, but now that Im using the foam roller and doing Epsom salt soaks that has gone away too. I naively thought those little niggles, aches and pains would take longer to show up! Here's hoping we can keep them in check...

Happy training, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. it's pretty amazing all that you do in naptime. I wonder how much more I'd do if I actually didn't have the time...something to be said about HAVING to stict to a schedule. Keep it up lady, you are KILLING IT!
