Tuesday, February 26, 2013


with a not-so-teeny-anymore, oh-my-god-how-is-he-ONE-already baby, no, TODDLER, to care for, i have to be ready to change my workout schedule on a dime. some days are just hard days, and i am faced with trying to get a workout in while dealing with one (or many) of the following: the kid is sick, i can't find a sitter, i can't get reservations at the gym daycare, he SLEEPS THROUGH our reservations at gym daycare, it's too cold to take him with me on my run, etc.

luckily coach is totally fine, cool and confident even, about making changes where needed.

last week i had some questions about my running workouts. during the off season, before base training started, i got up to 8.5 miles on my long runs. nowadays, according to my IM plan, my longest run is a 50min MI pace run. i was worried about being able to survive/do well in this coming weekend's race--Salem Black Cat 10 miler--so coach changed things up for me. it was a mental tune up more than anything, but i was glad to get out and do it.

for the majority of this winter i've been doing my long runs on the Charles when the CTO is around to help baby-wrangle. plans changed for last sunday's 8 miler, however. we're still covered in snow/ice/urban icebergs up here in Boston after the 'blizzard of 2013.'  the sidewalks were very icy on Sunday after a sunny Saturday melted some of the snow and then promptly re-froze it Sunday morning.  and it was sleeting. so, instead of being all tough and rambo and doing a long run on ice where i could potentially injure IM-hopeful legs, i opted for the safer, yet utterly terrible DREADMILL RUN.

i hate the treadmill. especially when my ipod dies 17 minutes into my 1:17 run, and the treadmill tv is broken...

but, i survived. 8 miles at a 9:41 pace. i figure, if i can do that, then i can absolutely run 10 miles of open road. y'all that do treadmill runs on the regular--any tips for keeping your sanity?

1 comment:

  1. I hate the treadmill too! But, it looks like you're getting some solid training in. Keep it up!
