Thursday, February 28, 2013

crushing fatigue

i didn't do two of my planned workouts during this, my week of rest. why?

crushing fatigue.

i don't know if i have ever felt this tired, even after staying up all night every night nursing a baby for 3 weeks. most days i feel decent in the mornings (still tired, but more brain-foggy than weak.) by the end of the day, however, i can hardly move. i feel like i have NASA moon boots on and am walking through sand. i've overtrained before with triathlons, and this feels much much much worse. which is why i'm not calling it overtraining fatigue. i think it's from the immunosuppressant i'm on, 6-MP.

coach is aware. left a message with my GI doc to see if there's anything we need to do (like check my RBCs, or lower my dose?) i've also gone and done what every doctor and nurse will tell me not to do: don't google it.

seems like a lot of people with my condition, and with Crohns, that take this med have chronic fatigue. so it may be something i have to learn to live with? or something that potentially keeps me from my dream of crossing the IM Lou finish line?? ugh, that one is hard to even contemplate.

the funny thing is, if i can actually get out the door and to the gym before i fall asleep, i tend to do fine during the workouts. but afterwards...zonk. this week i couldn't even get out the door. monday i could have fallen asleep at 3pm and slept into the next day if i didn't have a mini-dude to wrangle. i do best if i can get my workout done in the morning, but that happens to be the hardest time to coordinate with bebe-man's schedule. we might start him in daycare soon, though, so that could help. hopefully.

i'm trying not to beat myself up about this (even though i'm beating myself up about it a little.) it's just two workouts. and in my base building period. and during a rest week. i need to get the fatigue figured out before i move on to bigger and more taxing things. the CTO has been very supportive, and is keeping me grounded, which i am thankful for.

there's no immediate solution, and i could ramble about this for ages, so i'll leave you with something random for your amusement...

i also googled this today: "why did i just eat half a bag of baked lays?" 4.3million results, but none of them close to explaining the phenomenon of disappearing chips.

let's blame it on the baby.

1 comment:

  1. You're really thrashing yourself over two workouts. Like you said, it was during a rest week, and you're building a base. No biggie! I think rest is way more important.

    On the Brooks thing, you can apply in the fall (November I think) to the ID program. You would probably apply under the media/blogger type. It's a sweet deal!
