Friday, September 7, 2012

yesterday's not-so-tempo run

Yesterday was supposed to be my tempo run day. Usually, I wait until 30 min before E's nap time to head down to the river for our run. That way, he heads off into the land of nod right as I'm starting, and stays asleep for 15min or so once I'm done. Sometimes he wakes up towards the end of the run--during cool down--and watches the ducks/trees/great outdoors from the comfort of the jogger.

Well. Not yesterday.

He fell asleep as usual right before I got started. I was all set to do a 10min WU, 20min tempo, and 10min CD. I was only 9 min into the tempo portion when he woke up and started SCREAMING. Sometimes he does this at home, and he promptly falls right back asleep after 20 seconds of wailing.

Well. Not yesterday.

I ran for maybe another minute, hoping he would be lulled back to sleep by the motion of the jogger. No dice. Okay, maybe he's hungry. So I stop and try to feed him. Nope. Still crying. Dirty diaper? Just wet. Changed it anyways. Still crying. No little hairs wrapped around his tiny digits. No toys will soothe him. So what to do?

Keep running, I suppose.

I tell you what--I got LOADS of dirty looks from other runners/walkers/parents/ducks, running with a wailing kiddo. Like I wasn't aware of it. I'm doing my best here, people. Sometimes the kid just cries. And sometimes he just wants to cry AND throw all of his toys/bottles out of the stroller. Run. Run. Pick up toy. Run. Run. Pick up bottle. Run. Untangle blanket from stroller wheel. Run.

With about 2 minutes left in the cool down, he suddenly calmed down. By the time we made it to our lunch spot, he was as happy as he always is. Such is life, I guess.

he looks SO innocent here. "me, crying?? PSH."

I wasn't too bothered by it all--1 year ago this would have totally irritated me. Maybe it's because he's so dern cute. Anyways. I didn't think or worry about it much until today, when I realized how much more difficult it will be to train for an Ironman. The dudebaby will have just turned 1 when I start my serious training. What if he starts to hate the jogging stroller, and won't sit in it when he's 1?

Now the doubt/fear starts to slide in. How the EFF am I going to do this, with a little man to care for?? I know I thought of this before I signed up--and I was sure I had the answer. It just seems to be evading me this morning...

There's always daycare (but it costs about as much as our rent a month. Rigoddamndiculous.) And I can do a lot of training in the evening once he's gone to bed. And there's always the weekend. But boyhowdy do I wish I had family up here in MA to help out.

But you know what? Doesn't matter. We will figure this out. Morgan is a rockstar husband, so incredibly supportive. And the dudebaby is a good baby--we got lucky. One way or another, we'll make it work!  I think of it the same way I thought of having a kid when I was pregnant: I know it's going to be hard. I know I actually have NO IDEA of how hard it will really be. But I know I can--and want--to do it. And I know it'll be one of the best decisions I've ever made. The end. :)


  1. Training is a lot of juggle and doing with it a kid I would image would make it so much harder! You are amazing.

  2. Haha thanks! It has been a crazy juggle so far, even just training for intermediate distances. So let's wait to say I'm amazing until I actually do it (and stay relatively sane) :)

  3. Hi Emily! Thank you so much for your sweet comment!

    I look forward to watching your training for Ironman Louisville! If you have any questions at all about the course or anything, please let me know. The whole tri thing is new to me since the only one I have ever done was the ironman, but I figured out most of it as I went and managed to survive. You will do a fabulous job!

  4. Amy would love this post - she ran with Stella, who did the same thing - to a point where someone stopped her on the trail to say "you know your baby is crying, right?"

    She was like "no shit."

    I say to take advantage of the times where they sit in the stroller and other times, that is why you have a trainer and/or will be that crazy person who hits a treadmill at midnight at the gym. Hahaha - you are super woman!
