Wednesday, September 5, 2012

this week in workouts

My plan for the IM training season is to post these on Mondays. But for now, I'm going to post them whenever I want. So there.

This week is my last full week of peak training for Lobsterman. The schedule is a bit off from usual, considering the Labor Day holiday and my Aunt T coming in town this weekend. 

Monday: 1900m pm swim after a cluster-fuck of a day trip to Gloucester. Usually take Mondays off, but decided to do this one on the holiday with the hubster around to watch the babe.
Tuesday: OFF (well, it's my 'clean the house' and 'do a zillion loads of laundry/diapers' day. if you count that off.)
Wednesday: 1:15 min tempo ride @ gym
Thursday: 40 min tempo run with the jogging stroller (and baby. duh.)
Friday: 2000m PM swim 
Saturday: 1:20 run on Charles river WAYYY early in the AM so I can pick Aunt T from the airport 
Sunday: 2:15 bike around Concord, ending with splashtime fun @ Walden

Next week...TAPER!


  1. Thanks for finding my blog :) I look forward to following your training to LV next year. You will love every step of the journey. Also please let me know if you have any questions for me. Love to help out :)

  2. Thanks Sarah! I am so excited I can hardly sleep some nights! I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions once training rolls around!
