Saturday, July 6, 2013

Louisville training weekend days 1&2

Day 1: drive from Boston to Louisville (979mi, 15hrs)

Yes, that was as fun as it sounds. Highlights/lowlights by state:

MA-went by so quickly! It's so weird to live in a small state. Boo tolls.
CT-also went by quickly, drove past Newtown and the Sandyhook exit, shed a tear or two. Also began bawling because I missed my son.
NY-got over the baby-missing blues. Also had my car puked on no less than 3 times on the highway.
PA-prettiest state, though I'm pretty sure the ride was uphill the whole way, if that's possible?
OH-torrential rain (foreshadowing), and also wins the award for the most # of religious signs AND the most # of adult megastore signs.
KY-relived my middle school years with a backstreet boys marathon (on the radio?!?) and was welcomed into the state with a gorgeous hot pink sunset and fireworks just outside of Louisville.

Managed to get in an hour earlier tha expected, only to promptly eat that time up by going to the wrong hotel....

Day 2: IRONMAN Louisville bike course ride with the iamtri crew, 110.5mi, 7:45

was originally slated to swim beforehand, but weeks of storms down here meant rough water, high bacteria levels and therefore a cancelled swim.

Started the ride in pouring rain. Did the crazy steep / long out and back hills in pouring rain. Did the first loop in pouring rain. Threw a little pity party for myself as I started the second loop, in the pouring rain. Finally got my head straight after a few miles of contemplating quitting (turns out i was hungry--Lara bar to the rescue!) and finished the second loop, in *gasp* light rain. Felt a big fade happen from 80-95mi. Lara bar couldn't save me from that one. Miles 95-110.5 had me cryin' for my momma.

My legs were tired at the end, for sure, but not as trashed as I expected. What really hurt were my shoulders. I could hardly keep my head up to look at the road in the last 10mi. By the time I got to the car, they were almost completely seized up.  It took everything I had to get that bike back into the car.

Tomorrow is the run-13.1mi on course, on tired legs. Wish me luck, imma need it!!


  1. Way to go out there on the course! What a mental battle to do it in the rain! At least it wasn't a million degrees. Should I pray for rain on race day? I'm sure you did well on the run too. I can't wait to read your report. Keep up the good work!

  2. Rain! Oh my goodness. I am glad you got to ride the course! I never went on a training ride in Louisville last year, but wish I would have. I am sure you did well on the run course. You are getting sooooo close! I cannot believe it is almost here! I also cannot believe that it has been almost a full year since I was in kick ass shape. Oh well...

  3. I don't know which would be better, heat + humidity or rain. there are lots of steep descents, which were kind of scary in the rain! but the heat, oh the heat how it zaps your energy. guess we'll just have to take what comes, eh?

    and Keri--aren't you training for a marathon?? i think that qualifies you as 'in kick-ass shape!' at least compared to the rest of America... :)
