Friday, July 19, 2013

& etc.

how is it that i can swim 4km in the pool, in 1:20-1:25 (~2:00-2:08's/100m), but average 2:35's or more in open water?

i don't sight horribly. i mean, i'm not perfect, but i've never wandered off course. i get jittery before the start, and have hyperventilated a few times in the first 100m or so. but i certainly don't feel panicked, like i'm going to die. (i know this is a legit feeling that people deal with--it's just, i don't.) i eventually get into a rhythm and feel fine. i push it. not crazy hard, but push enough to match my 2:00-2:10 efforts in the pool. when i push harder, i fall into shitty form.

i can still finish IMLou in time to beat the cutoff with a 2:35 split. but c'mon. i'd rather finish 20 minutes sooner. bah.

suggestions? anyone? anyone? Bueller?

all the whining about being slow aside--today's 4km was a good effort. i love the post-long-swim sleepies.

speaking of sleepies.... i am now in the phase of IM training where i prefer to sleep over eat. i contemplate consuming the contents of my fridge semi-regularly throughout the day. a month ago, i went with the urge 100% of the time, and ate a bagillion calories a day. don't worry now--i still eat enough to fuel the Duggars for a day, but nowadays i actually consciously choose to take a nap instead of eat *another* peanut butter banana sandwich.

also, tomorrow is the Tin Mountain Conservation Center's Century ride. 100 mi and 5000ft of elevation change. can you guess the forecasted weather??


going to be a SUPER WIENER going down the mountain in wet conditions on a tri bike. think they'll let me ride up the mountain, and then SAG wagon it down to the bottom, so i can ride up the next one? i think i'd rather do 100mi of uphills than 50mi of downhills.

Mama Nature's cruel joke to me will be a dry, hot IRONMAN after all of these humid, rainy long ride days. what else can a girl do but ride through it?

ride update to follow Sunday. 'til then, happy training, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I think you will make it. The first part of the race, as you know is against the current. I swam about 12 minutes slower than I thought I would against my time from the pool, but it was also because I went wayyy on the outside away from everyone. I was happy that I was not pulled out of the river by race officials for freaking out. A few moments of bobbing in the water and telling myself it is game day did the trick to keep from having a panic attack. Not bad since I had a complete panic attack the day prior in the same body of water during the practice swim.

    You will make it, I have faith in you!
