Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Drum roll please...

I finally picked a coach!

After researching coaches for months, contacting more than 20, phone interviewing 7, and following up on references for 5, I have finally decided who will help guide me through the training and completion of my first full Ironman!

It just so happens this person was the first person who responded to my emails, and the first person with whom I had a phone interview. Needless to say, this person totally killed the phone interview--knowledgeable, easy to talk to, and we just 'clicked.' This person was the only coach, in fact, that I felt I had any sort of connection with from the get-go.

There are so many other reasons I went with this person.  Their coaching philosophy is spot on with what I want and need from a coach; they have a scientific, educational approach to coaching (they even send out a review of a scientific article each month that is pertinent to training...um hello nerd porn. This one was hook-line-&-sinker for me.) There are many other reasons which I would be happy to share with you if you are curious! (Just trying to contain myself, folks. I have full-on crazy-eyes right now thinking about this and could drone on and on and on about it. Oh wait...)

So, Jesus, just get to it already. WHO IS 'THIS PERSON' OF WHOM I SPEAK???

None other than Jason Gootman, MS CSCS of Tri-Hard Coaching!

I would say I'm thrilled beyond words--but who am I kidding? I'm never without words. So instead, I am just plain thrilled. Giddy. Nonsensical in my elation (can you tell I just finished Northanger Abbey??)

Don't worry. I'm still TERRIFIED respectful of Ironman training. And at the same time, I can't wait to get started in February. Until then, I'll just be too excited to sleep: